Linc Service Contractors Make a Week of National HVAC Technician Day

Friday, June 30, 2023

In recognition of their technicians, Linc Service Contractors took the opportunity to post messages of gratitude for National HVAC Tech Day. As contractors marked the day with thank-you posts and celebrations, such as team breakfasts, Linc Service Contractors made a week of the event, adding multiple posts about their talented team members. 

Superior Mechanical filled out their LinkedIn feed with highlights of multiple technicians. Each Technician Appreciation Spotlight post spoke to the unique talents, personality, and history of excellence that technician has achieved.  

Total Comfort Solutions also continued their tradition of Technician Appreciation “shout-out week” with messages from their leadership, like this one from CFO Rich Sweet. 

Many other Linc Service Contractors celebrated the national day of recognition for HVAC technicians, both offline and with social media posts, like these from BMI Mechanical and United Mechanical

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